Cardan Lift by Torso

Cardan Lift is a LEGO GBC Module created by Torso.

You can find his YouTube channel here, including other great LEGO and GBC creations:
Torbjörn Söderstedt's YouTube Channel

He created a Eurobricks forum post here for it:
Cardan Lift Post -

This is the video presentation he created:

PDF Instructions for the module and digital file were created by djm.
I believe this is his YouTube Channel: no name channel

Instructions (PDF - 29MB)
Eurobricks Cardan Lift thread comment contains the download link

MPD File
Download link in the same comment


I made this module using the instructions above, but never quite managed to get it synced up perfectly. I have seen those who have, but I have never managed it myself. As the balls go into the holder, the holder slips back and can allow a ball to drop out.

No one wants dropped balls on a GBC.

So I came up with a really simple fix which gives it an extra bit of robustness so that it won't drop balls.

The modification uses 3 pieces:

Name: Plate 1X2 With Slide
ID: 32028
Name: Plate 2X3
ID: 3021
Name: Plate 2X4
ID: 3020

Colour choices are entirely up to you and the colour theming of your module. Which is why I default to white piece images.

They replace this piece:

Name: Plate 2X8
ID: 3034

Note: I place the 2x4 Plate next to the Plate 1X2 With Slide, so that it offsets with the Roof Tiles 1 X 2 X 2/3, ABS above it.