(For more GBC instructions and modifications click here!)
Cup-to-Cup - Type 1 is a LEGO GBC Module created by Akiyuki.
Akiyuki's YouTube channel: Akiyuki Brick Channel
(Where you can find some of the best LEGO GBC modules out there)
His website: Akiyuki.jp
(Which contains instructions for recent modules, some for free, some you can buy)
Current Version (v1)
Cup-to-Cup Type 1 is one of Akiyuki's early GBC Modules and the stand-alone video shows it in its earliest form.
Common Version (v1.1)
The original video has two blog posts linked in the description. The 2nd post shows improvements and changes made aesthetically. It is this version you see built by others at GBC events.
Akiyuki never created a stand-alone video for any of the changes/improvements he made to the original version. You can see the 2nd blog post version with an additional modification at the 4 minute and 16 second mark in this video:
You can find information for that version on the EuroBricks forum here. It was reverse engineered by DJM and the instructions etc. can be found here.
He also created the spiral lift-to-first cup ball loading modification seen in the video here.
Current Version (v1.2)
Between 2011 and 2013, the module changed again. You can see the first appearance of this version here at the 1 minute 20 seconds mark:
This is the version I reverse engineered. That said, the version I have done is not a faithful reproduction of it.
I have not included the modification which transfers the ball from the spiral lift to the first cup. I have never had an issue with this element of the module, so kept the original version.
I also changed the design of the hopper, to stop the balls from being left stuck behind the spiral lift. This has always bugged me and I suspected that the issue could be solved. I am sure my solution can be improved upon, but as a proof of concept it gets the job done.
The current version also dispensed with the off-ramp. I wanted to keep the module stand-alone, not dependent on another module to get the balls back down to a sensible height, so I redesigned the off-ramp from the previous version.
Finally, there were a few adjustments to the spiral lift to make it work and look better.
I have only created 1 set of instructions, even though I have done the parts list for 2.
The assembly is basically the same for both version, but one version uses less common elements and colours, which can be trickier to get and be more expensive to purchase.
The one which uses more common pieces has the greatest overlap in parts to the original version which instructions were done for.
Instructions (PDF - 31MB) Download (Right Click - Save As) (Please be patient, it may take a few seconds to load.)
Parts Lists
Many people have built the Cup-to-Cup Type 1 module that DJM reverse engineered and instructions were made available for.
Because of this, many people already have some of the parts required for this version and just need to know what additional pieces are required to upgrade what they had previously built.
With this in mind, I have created both complete part lists and part lists which only contain the parts needed to upgrade the previous version.
I believe these to be correct, but always check with the complete list to be sure.
Parts list (BSX) - Version which uses LESS common pieces